Accent relates to how a person talks or pronounces specific words. Every individual has a distinct way of uttering things that are influenced by factors such as geographical location, family history, upbringing, exposure, and so on. Organizations such as BPOs and global corporations place a high value on the accents of their personnel who interact with clients outside of their industry. There is a distinction to be made between British and American English. An American’s accent differs from that of a British or Indian. Because the United Kingdom and the United States are poles apart, there will always be a difference in accent, but believe me, there will also be a difference in accent between England, Scotland, Ireland, and so on. Accent training is becoming increasingly crucial in firms that serve international customers. It is essential to accurately enunciate things and use the appropriate accent at work, not just for your clients.
Let’s go through some accent training Australia tips:
Do Not Try To Imitate Others: It would be ineffective. Remember that you won’t be able to obtain the appropriate accent in a day or two. It’s hardly rocket science. All you have to do is be a good observer. Learn about your clients’ accents. Try to emulate their demeanor. You would undoubtedly learn their accent with practice and patience.
Never use a phony accent. It is important to remember that everything done under duress provides no results. Slow down. Never give up hope. You are not required to talk in English simply because your coworker does. No two people are alike. Some people develop an accent faster than others, and that’s fine. Only speak when you are certain of your accent.
Obtain And Read Appropriate Books And Learning Materials Aloud: Anyone who wants to learn a language or acquire a certain accent should practice every day in front of a mirror. Try to follow the emphasis on cassettes. Speak clearly so that you can hear your voice, identify errors, and make required improvements to your speech. You may also record your voice and listen to it afterward to track your improvement. With everyone having a smartphone these days, recording your voice is not a difficult chore. If someone points out your errors, don’t be afraid or feel terrible about it. Remember that errors are a part of life and that they teach you something.
Accent Training Also Considers Pitch And Tone: Speak slowly enough so each word is clear and understandable. Some people speak so quickly that the other person does not notice their errors. That is, without a doubt, the incorrect strategy. Consider your proposal as well. Don’t be overly soft or too loud when speaking. You can have any accent, but you must be soft-spoken. You learn to be unpleasant to people when you don’t have an accent.
Nothing is more beneficial than consistent practice and devotion. Never give up. Try again and again until you succeed. Use the assistance of persons who are proficient in a certain accent. You can get assistance from coworkers or close pals. If feasible, attempt to contact a local who can advise you on a specific accent. Speak to him or her in his or her native language so that the other person can assist you and tell you where you need to improve. This isn’t anything to be embarrassed by. Speak authoritatively.