Cannabidiol (CBD) is found in the cannabis family of plants. The members of this plant family are Hemp and Marijuana. Hemp contains a huge amount of CBD whereas marijuana has higher amount of THC. There is a little amount of THC in the hemp plant as well. The scientists have discovered over 113 cannabidiols until now and these include CBD.
CBD comes in different forms and one of the most popular ones is in the oil form. The other forms can be gummies, vape, and many more. CBD is highly beneficial for senior citizens as it has many health benefits relating to ageing problems. JustCBD store id one among the top CBD stores online and sell the best quality CBD products. To buy one for yourself, visit:
Effects of CBD
Many studies and research over the past decade have revealed that CBD has the potential to support physical and mental health, especially in senior citizens.
- Joint Pain
Joint pain is an extremely common problem with the senior citizens these days. This is caused due to inflammation in the joints. As per the recent research, Inflammation is caused due to oxidative stress and CBD has the potential to help. Another research said that it also helps with collagen-induced arthritis and reduces the discomfort caused due to this.
- Reduce stress and depression
According to a study, CBD also helps to reduce stress and depression and promotes a sense of calmness in one’s body. CBD reacts well with the hippocampus of the brain and helps to cope with anxiety and sleeplessness as well.
- Help to fight neurodegeneration
Many researchers are finding ways to fight a major issue called ‘Neurodegeneration’. It is caused by Huntington’s disease and a study suggests that CBD is an aid in this fight. As per the study, CBD when combined with THC can reduce neurodegeneration. This is because CBD helps fight against the brain cells.
Although CBD is not a proper medicine prescribed by many doctors, many studies have confirmed the health benefits of CBD. You can buy CBD products from any certified CBD store without a prescription. It only has good effects and will not get you high.
Side-effects of CBD
There are not many side effects of CBD as it is 100% natural, it might have some mild side effects. You might experience mild nausea, dizziness, and fatigue if you take too much of cannabidiol. These side effects can be avoided by limiting the use of CBD.
So, how much is the right amount of CBD for you?
As everyone reacts to CBD differently, it is difficult to say how much CBD is to be taken by you. Some people require more and some people can only handle very little. To avoid side effects, it is suggested that you start with a very low amount of CBD first and increase slowly, depending on how you feel.
Once you start having positive effects, you know that it is the right amount for you and you must stop taking more than that. You must talk to your doctor if you are already taking other medicines and want to start with CBD.